Staying Sane on a Plane
See what I did with the title? ;0
The time has come! It is officially the night before my flight to Vietnam, and I am feeling all sorts of feelings. If you didn't know, my car was towed last weekend after it broke down in a Charleston flash flood (we're not completely sure if it's totaled yet, but it's been almost a week and we have yet to find my car). I was saved by some firemen (thank you, firemen and emergency services!) and I unwillingly ended up on the national weather channel after some rando took a video of me in distress. I promise, I can't make this up.
Nevertheless, I have lots to look forward to! I know I've mentioned before that I have a really bad habit of overthinking, but these days I've gotten a lot better at it! If you told me freshmen year that I would be flying for 26 hours by myself, I would have laughed in your face, but here we are, and I'm thrilled by the uncertainty this next week holds for me!
Technically, I'm writing this on 3/16, but I took pics of pretty much all the things I ate on my last 16-hour flight that started on 3/15. Currently waiting in the Incheon airport to get on another 6-hour flight. WOO HOO! I was absolutely chowing on my last flight, even though they did wake me up at random times in the middle of the night to eat. I honestly tolerated the time better than I thought I would. Took a few naps. Watched 1 and a half movies and an episode of my show. Stared into the abyss. You know, the usual.
Bibimbap + Doenjang-Guk
Chicken and rice
Complementary Plane Pic + luxury brands in the Incheon airport??
Haha, I'll update in a few days once I'm settled in Saigon.
Until then!
RIP haley’s car💔🕊️