Last Days in the Rainforest....
So sad!!! We definitely ended the trip with a bang!!
First, we had our last day of data collection. So instead of just switching out the SD cards and making sure everything is working okay we went out and took all of the cameras down and any markers we put up so that we left no trace behind. We also got to see some monkeys and get a couple last group pictures in on our last rainforest walks so it was definitely bittersweet. We had a long day to look forward to though because amidst all of our packing and scrambling to fit everything in our bags (I by some miracles fit everything in my two hiking backpacks) we had a soccer match against a local high school team later that day. I was so excited for this because I am 1) competitive 2) chomping at the bit to speak Spanish at every opportunity and 3) excited to finally use my second-grade soccer skills.
Now. I'm not saying that I was the best on our team or that I carried us. But. I did get one goal and one assist so I was definitely not dead weight as I was running in literal circles gasping for air from not working out. We definitely lost (there is no way I'm mentioning the score) but we had a ton of fun and got to hang out with some new people we hadn't met before. All in all, an amazing end to a great last day of data collection. Now we've just got a last day of excursions before we are packed on a flight again headed back home.
Last Day of Excursions:
So on the schedule today we had a wonderful 5:00 breakfast and wake-up call. We're going to some hot springs and to a sloth tour afterwards before we stay in a town near the airport. The hot springs was literally so relaxing and fun. It was kind of a water park with picnic tables and grills out, but it was also so nice and private at the same time with all of the greenery. Essentially, I wasn't afraid of getting sick from the park like I would in every other American water park because kids just excrete all kinds of fluid all the time now. I decided that I wanted to be in absolutely boiling water to just relax my very sore body for a second. So, I found a pool where there was no one because why would you want to be that hot on a hot day already. While I was in the pool though I'm looking up in the trees and I see a monkey (Howler if we're getting technical here). I am looking up at this monkey for so long that I have to slowly pull myself out of the boiling hot water so I don't pass out because no one can hang in there for like an hour and not get light-headed. It was an amazing end to the week though because it was exactly how I wanted to experience this trip: no phones, just me and nature hanging out together. The monkey peed though. I was watching him forage and eat some leaves and then he had the gall to pee in the pool (guess it's not just a human thing). I will not disclose how long I stayed in the pool afterwards though since he was so close (like ten/fifteen feet above me) and I didn't want to mess up his mojo. Now the sloth tour!!!!
So, the sloth tour was great, and we actually got to see some great animals with a fancy telescope we definitely didn't have on site. I also was able to get some cacao nibs while I was there which I'm so excited about (I will buy anything chocolate related). After the sloth tour, we headed to the town Alajuela, where we stayed before we left for the airport. We had a very nice last family dinner before waking up the next morning (we got to sleep in!!!!!) and getting ready to go to the airport. The flight was great, and I got the chance to catch up on some last-minute journaling before we were back in the States.
I've really enjoyed this experience and all I was able to learn along the way. I think studying abroad is all about pushing your boundaries and being open to learning and experiencing new things. So, if you are planning to study abroad and you come in with a closed off attitude you will have a very different experience than others. You can only grow from this, and I only wish that I got to hang out there longer (and one more hammock nap please!!!). I know I've grown as a person from this and have gained some more friends for life. Even though I didn't speak Spanish often because we were so isolated the opportunities that I did have were wonderful and motivating towards finishing my minor in Spanish. Thanks for reading about my trip guys and ¡Adiós!
*suspension bridge goofies*