I'm Hung(a)ry
Hey everyone! It's Paige again! Today I arrived in Hungary for a study abroad in biological anthropology! The trip to get here felt honestly never ending. It began with a 6:30pm flight out of Charlotte to Munich (around 8 hours) and then from Munich to Budapest (about an hour flight) and then a drive from Budapest to Szeged, Hungary (about a 2 hour drive). Needless to say I am exhausted, yet we begin at the university tomorrow morning. We will also be walking to the university every day which is about a mile which doesn't sound too bad but it is HOOOOOT here.
I haven't spent too much time in Hungary yet, but so far it's great! We ate at a restaurant that is a walk away from the hotel and I had fish and chips and a drink called a "sea monster." It was quite delicious and I was surprised that I was familiar with a lot of the menu items (not sure if this restaurant was catered more to Americans, but they were playing a lot of American music so probably). I've found that most people here speak English which is super helpful as I tried my best to learn some Hungarian on Duolingo before coming here and it was toughhhhhhh! (alma = apple - I know that for sure). Even the hotel desk manager admitted that it can be a hard language so thankful that I am still able to communicate with people. I haven't fully met everyone here that's a part of the program yet but I am excited to see what tomorrow entails. I didn't get many photos yet either, but I did take the tram with my roommates to a market and we bought 1.5 liters (each) of interesting juices and some candy to try. I love some public transportation!
Oh! Also, my bag with essentially all my luggage did not make it on the plane to Budapest, so I am working with very little until hopefully it arrives (supposedly at 23:00 tonight but I will be asleep....) so overall a hectic day but excited to see where it goes. I will be here until July 27th so stay tuned! Going to be working with a lot of bones.........
Restaurant we ate at! and the sea monster drink (on the left) and aperol sprtiz on the right