Getting Into a Fight on the Plane (JK)
Updated: Apr 3, 2024
What if I told you someone on the plane punched me in the face and now both of my eyes are swollen???
I didn't actually get into a fight with someone, but I woke up in my apartment bed on Sunday morning and could not open my eyes because they were MEGA swollen so... no clue what's up with that :0
The daunting 30-hour journey back has been completed, and I have 1 final WHAT'S ON THE MENU to share!!
Most of these are from Incheon and our Korean Air flight because I unapologetically fell asleep for the majority of the Delta one BUT i bought banana milk in Incheon because I thought it was iconic. I also got some shrimp chips because I used to eat those all the time as a kid and was feeling nostalgic. Do they sell those anymore in the US because why did I suddenly stop eating them?? Also, peep Park Seo-Joon on my water bottle??? Finally got some ginger ale because for some reason that had not been an option on any of my other flights. Beef and potatoes on Korean Air was maybe a 7/10- bibimbap was definitely better. The noodles on Delta were also SO SALTY. Still devoured, nonetheless. Reading this back, maybe my expectations since the beginning of the trip have just changed??
Final Thoughts
And that wraps up our Vietnam segment! I think 1 week is way too short to go abroad. If I had an option, I would've gone for longer, but because this was over spring break, I will take what I can get! I think traveling has been rejuvenating for me, especially after such a long MCAT journey and recent tragic events. We talked today in class about sticking to things that you enjoy to un-burnout yourself, and I think new environments absolutely help me feel reset. I hope you have enjoyed the pictures I've shared- I had a lot of good food and am sorry you can't have a bite through the screen. I don't have abroad plans for the foreseeable future, but I do have an amazing line-up of other individuals who I know will show great content.
Thank you, always, for supporting me!
Until next time.